Hi Everyone, We've been on the road a lot this summer. Covered lots of territory and had wonderful times with family and friends. After many nights away, we're glad to be back in Stillwater (not sure I ever thought I would say that) enjoying family life. Margaux is doing great. Her new accomplishments include rolling over (mostly from back to tummy), chewing on everything she can get to her mouth, grasping for toys, pulling mommy's hair really hard, pulling Daddy's chest hair really hard, and making progress towards sitting up. She is also very accomplished at snuggling. She is definitely a cuddle bug, and Mike and I enjoy every minute we spend holding her. You know, it's funny. Everywhere we go, people with older children say to us, "Enjoy her. It goes by so fast." I agree that it sure does go fast. She's 4.5 months now, and it seems like yesterday that we were coming home from the hospital. We really do try to focus on enjoying her and really being in the moment. It's been years since I have spent so much time laying on the floor playing. I highly recommend it. It changes your perspective on your day. Here are some Margaux pics from the past week. Despite the fact that she looks gi-normous in the one where she has the tutu on, these were all taken on consecutive days. She
is growing like crazy, though. Love to all of you!

You don't say!
I can beat you in a staring contest.

Not so tiny dancer

Margaux in her favorite spot (swing) and her must have items: pacifier, lovey, and "blah blah" doll. This combination usually results in a great deal of cooing followed by a bliss-filled nap.

This is what she looks like every night after her bath. Content to chill.