Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happy Fifth Birthday!

Dear Margaux, 
I cannot believe it has been a year since I wrote your last birthday letter.  Time has really flown.  This year has been full of changes for you.  The biggest change is that you have turned into a little girl and have very little “baby” left in you.  You got a big girl bed and started sleeping through the night. You started Pre-K at a new school, you’ve started to write, you’ve started to spell, and you’ve lost two teeth.  You’ve surprised your dad and I with your love of boys.  You don’t find most girls very interesting, but boys you are crazy about.  There is one boy you are particularly fond of.  About a month after school started, we heard you singing his name all over the house.  Further inquiry led to the discovery that you had a case of puppy love.  With awe in your voice, you told us that he taught you the word phalanges.  I love that you love the smart boys.  Please don’t ever let that change.  You have also divided the boys in your class into the good guys and the bad guys.  You say the good guys are kind and nice to everyone, but the bad guys use potty language and are only nice to each other.  You don’t realize it now, but this isn’t just true on the playground, so stick with the good guys.  But, Margaux, befriend girls, too.  Girl friends will support you and bring a richness to your life that cannot be measured. 
You still love pink, purple, and dirt. Your favorite show is a wildlife documentary called Growing Up Wild.  You will watch this for hours and never tire of it.  It has also inspired some questions about reproduction that have caught me quite off guard.  I am trying to answer your questions directly without providing more information than you are asking for.  We explained that you should keep this information to yourself.  You said, “It’s just chicken eggs and babies, doesn’t sound like much of a secret.”  Your favorite book is the Complete Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne.  I read this chapter book aloud to you every night for almost a month.  We now can spot an Eeyore or a Tigger from a mile away.  Turns out Mr. Milne had a keen eye for personality and pretty much every one you meet is represented by someone in the Hundred Acre Wood.  Your favorite thing to do is play with your stuffed animals. I’ve heard moms complain that their house is overrun with stuffed animals and they never actually get played with.  We are up to our eyeballs in stuffed animals, but every single one gets attention from you.  Sometimes they are sick and you treat them with your doctor kit, sometimes they are fierce and you are hiding from them, but nine times out of ten, one of them is having babies. 
You are brave, my girl.  Today, your fifth birthday, was your first (and I pray last) time to get stitches.  You had an accident on the playground.  It may or may not have involved one of the bad guys.  Dad and I took you to the doctor and you got three stitches in your forehead.  The anesthetic didn’t kick in until the last one, and yet you stayed still. Yes, you cried, but you never tried to get off the table.  I am often impressed with how tough you are.  I don’t where you get that from, but it will serve you well. You can be impatient, especially when someone doesn’t understand what you mean. We remind you to “put the love in your voice,” and you do for a day or two. You are famous for your hugs.  If you love someone, they will know it by your hug.  You say “I love you” to daddy and me thirty times a day.  You still climb into our laps and want to give kisses.  You wake up happy every day.  My mom used to say that my philosophy was “nothing is going to rain on my parade.”  I see that in you.  I told you that once, and you said your philosophy was hakuna matata.  Same thing.  I hope you always have that spirit. 
As I reflect back on the joy you have brought me in your 5 years, I am incredibly grateful.  You are a delight to your dad and me. I look forward to what this next year will bring, but I love this moment in time with you.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Photo Shoot

I remember trying to take a single picture of Margaux when she was 2, and it was so hard to get her to stand still and look at the camera normally.  I can now report that at nearly 5 years old, nothing has changed!  It's all about the journey, though.  And, for those of you who know my brother Tim, check out the 3rd picture.  If that is not a mischievous Tim Reese look, I don't know what is.