Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bath time

Here are some pics of Margaux's first real bath (all the earlier ones were sponge baths because she still had her cord). As you can see, she slept through the whole thing. In fact, the only time she made a peep was when we poured water on her head to get the shampoo out of her hair. I'm not exactly sure what she said, but I'm pretty sure she indicated that she would prefer to keep her dirty hair. By the way, these pictures are from last week. You didn't think we would forego giving our child a bath for a whole month, did you? We only do that to the dog.
.Time to hit the water!

This water stuff isn't quite as comfy as I remember it.

A warm towel and Mommy's arms. Now, that's more like it.


Sharon said...

Cindy and Mike -
She looks like an absolute doll! Just wanted to let you know we're spying on y'all from Baton Rouge through this nifty baby blog.

I don't have any babies, so I have no advice or critiques to offer. Looks like you are doing everything right, to me. It was a good idea to bathe her, for instance.

We're looking forward to seeing all of you when you make it to BR!

Sharon (at PSA)

cmcmpt said...

Finally got out to your blog (your resend got sent to spam *again*, but I caught it this time). Trip-M looks great and sweet and happy. Looks-wise she favors her mom a bit I'd say, but I can see a bit of Melancon in there too. Keep it rolling!