Friday, August 15, 2008

Summer is ending

School starts Monday for both me and Mike, so the pace around here should be picking up quite a bit. Mike's parents arrive Saturday to take care of Margaux for us for the semester. Yes, you read that right... the semester! How wonderful is that? I'm sure there will be lots of upcoming shots of Margaux and her Melancon grandparents, but in the mean time, here are some of her and her Reese grandparents. These are from this past weekend. Must run. Baby crying. Love to all.


Unknown said...

I recognise the searsucker (sp?) ladybug outfit. She looks great. Good luck with the new semester. I know she is in good hands.

Lisa said...

Oh my goodness! Mike's parents are coming for the whole semester!?! WOW!

And I've got to chuckle...another set of parents moving to Stillwater, OK to be near their kids. I don't know how this always happens!


She's SUCH a cutie patootie! Looks just like you, Cindy!

Lisa said...

Oh, and ENJOY school being back in session!

Though I can't say I miss it. :-) I just miss all of you guys!