Friday, September 5, 2008

Margaux's First Solid Food

Hi, everyone. We fed M3 her first solid food this afternoon and recorded the precious moment on video. It was very entertaining. Margaux likes organic rice cereal, but hasn't decided whether she likes to actually EAT it, or just smear it on her face. Bon appetit!

Our love & support goes to our friends and family down in the hurricane zone. Gustav is off of CNN now, but many of our people are still cleaning up and are without power, a/c, etc.

Here's the video of baby Margaux:


Lisa said...

Where'd the video go? Told me it's unavailable. Boo.

Hope all is going well there!

Mike Melancon said...

Hey, Lisa. Don't know why it's not working for you. I just checked, and everything looks okay. Maybe you can try the direct link to YouTube:

Let me know if you still can't see it.