Thursday, June 12, 2008

Baby Drama

We're still on Nantucket, and I wanted to post some pics I took the other day when Margaux was rolling around on the floor. Unfortunately, things haven't been so simple and happy since. We've been dealing with Margaux's first illness. It isn't serious, but it has been stressful because there is not a single pediatrician on Nantucket and no other doctors would see us. We ended up having to go to the ER (three times) where the doctors weren't very experienced with young babies. Thank goodness Mike's cousin, Liz, is a pediatrician and has been helping us interpret what the ER doctors are telling us and generally offering great advice and comfort to me and Mike. So, here's a series of happy Margaux pics and then one of her from the ER where she was happy because she didn't know what was about to be done to her. We'll be back in Stillwater next week and will post more then. Best to all of you and thanks for the comments! We love those.

1 comment:

Emily said...

She's so adorable, but now I'm worried!