Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pics from Nantucket

Hello, all. We've spent the last week in Nantucket MA with Mike, Betty, Dan, Tamara, Keller and Connor. Cindy and I have pretty much ignored the island so we could take cute pics of Margaux, such as these:

Because we want to keep our little vampire out of the sun, we got Margaux her first pair of sunglasses. So here's Princess Cool.

...and here is her new sun hat. As you can see, she really likes it!

Here's me (Mike) feeding lil bit out on the porch of our condo. It's very cool in Nantucket, so it felt great to sit outside in 60-70 degree air, as opposed to Stillwater's 100-150 degree air.

Okay, that's all for tonight. Cindy is going to post some more tomorrow. And one of these days I'll do some more videos. I just need some time (hah!) to edit the video. Peace and hugs to all!


Lisa said...

LOVE the little bit! Margaux, you look fabulous in your new shades!

Glad you guys had a great time. I could use a vacation!!!
Love, Lisa

Leslie said...

Okay, I want a pair of those pink sunglasses! She looks adorable!!!!I'm so glad y'll had a good time. I can't wait to read about it.